  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Creates a SpringConstraint, which is a type of Physics6DoFConstraint. This constraint applies a force at the ends which is proportional to the distance between ends, and a stiffness and damping factor. The force is calculated as (stiffness * positionError) - (damping * velocity)

param pivotA

The first pivot of the constraint in local space.

param pivotB

The second pivot of the constraint in local space.

param axisA

The first axis of the constraint in local space.

param axisB

The second axis of the constraint in local space.

param minDistance

The minimum distance between the two pivots.

param maxDistance

The maximum distance between the two pivots.

param stiffness

The stiffness of the spring.

param damping

The damping of the spring.

param scene

The scene the constraint belongs to.


The created SpringConstraint.





_pluginData: any

V2 Physics plugin private data for a physics material

The collection of limits which this constraint will apply


  • get isCollisionsEnabled(): boolean
  • set isCollisionsEnabled(isEnabled: boolean): void
  • Gets whether collisions are enabled for this physics object.

    Returns boolean

    true if collisions are enabled, false otherwise.

  • Enables or disables collisions for the physics engine.


    • isEnabled: boolean

      A boolean value indicating whether collisions should be enabled or disabled.

    Returns void

  • get isEnabled(): boolean
  • set isEnabled(isEnabled: boolean): void
  • Enable/disable the constraint

    Returns boolean

    true if constraint is enabled

  • Enable/disable the constraint


    • isEnabled: boolean

      value for the constraint

    Returns void

  • Retrieves the options of the physics constraint.

    Returns PhysicsConstraintParameters

    The physics constraint parameters.

  • Gets the type of the constraint.

    Returns PhysicsConstraintType

    The type of the constraint.


  • dispose(): void
  • Disposes the constraint from the physics engine.

    This method is useful for cleaning up the physics engine when a body is no longer needed. Disposing the body will free up resources and prevent memory leaks.

    Returns void

  • Gets the friction of the given axis of the physics engine.


    Returns Nullable<number>

    The friction of the given axis, or null if the constraint hasn't been initialized yet.

  • Gets the maximum limit of the given axis of the physics engine.


    Returns Nullable<number>

    The maximum limit of the given axis, or null if the constraint hasn't been initialized yet.

  • Gets the minimum limit of the given axis of the physics engine.


    Returns Nullable<number>

    The minimum limit of the given axis, or null if the constraint hasn't been initialized yet.

  • Gets the maximum force of the motor of the given axis of the constraint.


    Returns Nullable<number>

    The maximum force of the motor, or null if the constraint hasn't been initialized yet.

  • Gets the target velocity of the motor associated to the given constraint axis.


    Returns Nullable<number>

    The target velocity of the motor, or null if the constraint hasn't been initialized yet.

  • Sets the friction of the given axis of the physics engine.


    • axis: PhysicsConstraintAxis

      The axis of the physics engine to set the friction for.

    • friction: number

      The friction to set for the given axis.

    Returns void

  • Sets the maximum limit of the given axis for the physics engine.


    • axis: PhysicsConstraintAxis

      The axis to set the limit for.

    • limit: number

      The maximum limit of the axis.

      This method is useful for setting the maximum limit of the given axis for the physics engine, which can be used to control the movement of the physics object. This helps to ensure that the physics object does not move beyond the given limit.

    Returns void

  • Sets the limit mode for the given axis of the constraint.


    • axis: PhysicsConstraintAxis

      The axis to set the limit mode for.

    • limitMode: PhysicsConstraintAxisLimitMode

      The limit mode to set.

      This method is useful for setting the limit mode for a given axis of the constraint. This is important for controlling the behavior of the physics engine when the constraint is reached. By setting the limit mode, the engine can be configured to either stop the motion of the objects, or to allow them to continue moving beyond the constraint.

    Returns void

  • Sets the target velocity of the motor associated with the given axis of the constraint.


    • axis: PhysicsConstraintAxis

      The axis of the constraint.

    • target: number

      The target velocity of the motor.

      This method is useful for setting the target velocity of the motor associated with the given axis of the constraint.

    Returns void


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

