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Render pipeline to produce ssao effect




  • Parameters

    • name: string

      The rendering pipeline name

    • scene: Scene

      The scene linked to this pipeline

    • ratio: any

      The size of the postprocesses. Can be a number shared between passes or an object for more precision: { ssaoRatio: 0.5, blurRatio: 1.0 }

    • Optional cameras: Camera[]

      The array of cameras that the rendering pipeline will be attached to

    • Optional forceGeometryBuffer: boolean

      Set to true if you want to use the legacy geometry buffer renderer

    • Optional textureType: number

      The texture type used by the different post processes created by SSAO (default: Constants.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)

    Returns SSAO2RenderingPipeline


base: number

The base color of the SSAO post-process The final result is "base + ssao" between [0, 1]

bilateralSamples: number

The number of samples the bilateral filter uses in both dimensions when denoising the SSAO calculations. Default value is 16.

A higher value should result in smoother shadows but will use more processing time in the shaders.

A high value can cause the shadows to get to blurry or create visible artifacts (bands) near sharp details in the geometry. The artifacts can sometimes be mitigated by increasing the bilateralSoften setting.

bilateralSoften: number

Controls the shape of the denoising kernel used by the bilateral filter. Default value is 0.

By default the bilateral filter acts like a box-filter, treating all samples on the same depth with equal weights. This is effective to maximize the denoising effect given a limited set of samples. However, it also often results in visible ghosting around sharp shadow regions and can spread out lines over large areas so they are no longer visible.

Increasing this setting will make the filter pay less attention to samples further away from the center sample, reducing many artifacts but at the same time increasing noise.

Useful value range is [0..1].

bilateralTolerance: number

How forgiving the bilateral denoiser should be when rejecting samples. Default value is 0.

A higher value results in the bilateral filter being more forgiving and thus doing a better job at denoising slanted and curved surfaces, but can lead to shadows spreading out around corners or between objects that are close to each other depth wise.

Useful value range is normally [0..1], but higher values are allowed.

inspectableCustomProperties: IInspectable[]

List of inspectable custom properties (used by the Inspector)



maxZ: number

Maximum depth value to still render AO. A smooth falloff makes the dimming more natural, so there will be no abrupt shading change.

minZAspect: number

In order to save performances, SSAO radius is clamped on close geometry. This ratio changes by how much.

radius: number

The radius around the analyzed pixel used by the SSAO post-process. Default value is 2.0

totalStrength: number

The output strength of the SSAO post-process. Default value is 1.0.


  • get bypassBlur(): boolean
  • set bypassBlur(b: boolean): void
  • Skips the denoising (blur) stage of the SSAO calculations.

    Useful to temporarily set while experimenting with the other SSAO2 settings.

    Returns boolean

  • Skips the denoising (blur) stage of the SSAO calculations.

    Useful to temporarily set while experimenting with the other SSAO2 settings.


    • b: boolean

    Returns void

  • Gets the list of attached cameras

    Returns Camera[]

  • get epsilon(): number
  • set epsilon(n: number): void
  • Used in SSAO calculations to compensate for accuracy issues with depth values. Default 0.02.

    Normally you do not need to change this value, but you can experiment with it if you get a lot of in false self-occlusion on flat surfaces when using fewer than 16 samples. Useful range is normally [0..0.1] but higher values is allowed.

    Returns number

  • Used in SSAO calculations to compensate for accuracy issues with depth values. Default 0.02.

    Normally you do not need to change this value, but you can experiment with it if you get a lot of in false self-occlusion on flat surfaces when using fewer than 16 samples. Useful range is normally [0..0.1] but higher values is allowed.


    • n: number

    Returns void

  • get expensiveBlur(): boolean
  • set expensiveBlur(b: boolean): void
  • Enables the configurable bilateral denoising (blurring) filter. Default is true. Set to false to instead use a legacy bilateral filter that can't be configured.

    The denoising filter runs after the SSAO calculations and is a very important step. Both options results in a so called bilateral being used, but the "expensive" one can be configured in several ways to fit your scene.

    Returns boolean

  • Enables the configurable bilateral denoising (blurring) filter. Default is true. Set to false to instead use a legacy bilateral filter that can't be configured.

    The denoising filter runs after the SSAO calculations and is a very important step. Both options results in a so called bilateral being used, but the "expensive" one can be configured in several ways to fit your scene.


    • b: boolean

    Returns void

  • get isSupported(): boolean
  • If all the render effects in the pipeline are supported

    Returns boolean

  • get name(): string
  • Gets pipeline name

    Returns string

  • get samples(): number
  • set samples(n: number): void
  • Number of samples used for the SSAO calculations. Default value is 8.

    Returns number

  • Number of samples used for the SSAO calculations. Default value is 8.


    • n: number

    Returns void

  • Gets active scene

    Returns Scene

  • get textureSamples(): number
  • set textureSamples(n: number): void
  • Number of samples to use for antialiasing.

    Returns number

  • Number of samples to use for antialiasing.


    • n: number

    Returns void

  • get IsSupported(): boolean
  • Support test.

    Returns boolean


  • dispose(disableGeometryBufferRenderer?: boolean): void
  • Removes the internal pipeline assets and detaches the pipeline from the scene cameras


    • Optional disableGeometryBufferRenderer: boolean

    Returns void

  • getClassName(): string
  • serialize(): any
  • Serialize the rendering pipeline (Used when exporting)

    Returns any

    the serialized object

  • Parse the serialized pipeline


    • source: any

      Source pipeline.

    • scene: Scene

      The scene to load the pipeline to.

    • rootUrl: string

      The URL of the serialized pipeline.

    Returns SSAO2RenderingPipeline

    An instantiated pipeline from the serialized object.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

