  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Renders a pre pass of the scene This means every mesh in the scene will be rendered to a render target texture And then this texture will be composited to the rendering canvas with post processes It is necessary for effects like subsurface scattering or deferred shading


  • PrePassRenderer



  • Instantiates a prepass renderer


    Returns PrePassRenderer


defaultRT: PrePassRenderTarget

The render target where the scene is directly rendered

disableGammaTransform: boolean

Set to true to disable gamma transform in PrePass. Can be useful in case you already proceed to gamma transform on a material level and your post processes don't need to be in linear color space.

doNotUseGeometryRendererFallback: boolean

Prevents the PrePassRenderer from using the GeometryBufferRenderer as a fallback

excludedMaterials: Material[]

Force material to be excluded from the prepass Can be useful when useGeometryBufferFallback is set to true and you don't want a material to show in the effect.

excludedSkinnedMesh: AbstractMesh[]

To save performance, we can excluded skinned meshes from the prepass

mrtCount: number

Number of textures in the multi render target texture where the scene is directly rendered

renderTargets: PrePassRenderTarget[]

All the render targets generated by prepass

TextureFormats: { format: number; name: string; purpose: number; type: number }[]

Describes the types and formats of the textures used by the pre-pass renderer


  • get currentRTisSceneRT(): boolean
  • Returns true if the currently rendered prePassRenderTarget is the one associated with the scene.

    Returns boolean

  • get enabled(): boolean
  • Indicates if the prepass is enabled

    Returns boolean

  • get generateNormalsInWorldSpace(): boolean
  • set generateNormalsInWorldSpace(value: boolean): void
  • Indicates if the prepass renderer is generating normals in world space or camera space (default: camera space)

    Returns boolean

  • Indicates if the prepass renderer is generating normals in world space or camera space (default: camera space)


    • value: boolean

    Returns void

  • get isSupported(): boolean
  • Indicates if rendering a prepass is supported

    Returns boolean

  • get samples(): number
  • set samples(n: number): void
  • How many samples are used for MSAA of the scene render target

    Returns number

  • How many samples are used for MSAA of the scene render target


    • n: number

    Returns void

  • get useSpecificClearForDepthTexture(): boolean
  • set useSpecificClearForDepthTexture(value: boolean): void
  • If set to true (default: false), the depth texture will be cleared with the depth value corresponding to the far plane (1 in normal mode, 0 in reverse depth buffer mode) If set to false, the depth texture is always cleared with 0.

    Returns boolean

  • If set to true (default: false), the depth texture will be cleared with the depth value corresponding to the far plane (1 in normal mode, 0 in reverse depth buffer mode) If set to false, the depth texture is always cleared with 0.


    • value: boolean

    Returns void


  • Adds an effect configuration to the prepass render target. If an effect has already been added, it won't add it twice and will return the configuration already present.


    Returns PrePassEffectConfiguration

    the effect configuration now used by the prepass

  • Sets the proper output textures to draw in the engine.


    • effect: Effect

      The effect that is drawn. It can be or not be compatible with drawing to several output textures.

    • subMesh: SubMesh

      Submesh on which the effect is applied

    Returns void

  • dispose(): void
  • Disposes the prepass renderer.

    Returns void

  • Retrieves an effect configuration by name


    • name: string

    Returns Nullable<PrePassEffectConfiguration>

    the effect configuration, or null if not present

  • getIndex(type: number): number
  • Returns the index of a texture in the multi render target texture array.


    • type: number

      Texture type

    Returns number

    The index

  • getRenderTarget(): PrePassRenderTarget
  • Returns PrePassRenderTarget

    the prepass render target for the rendering pass. If we are currently rendering a render target, it returns the PrePassRenderTarget associated with that render target. Otherwise, it returns the scene default PrePassRenderTarget

  • markAsDirty(): void
  • Marks the prepass renderer as dirty, triggering a check if the prepass is necessary for the next rendering.

    Returns void

  • restoreAttachments(): void
  • Restores attachments for single texture draw.

    Returns void

  • Sets an intermediary texture between prepass and postprocesses. This texture will be used as input for post processes


    Returns boolean

    true if there are postprocesses that will use this texture, false if there is no postprocesses - and the function has no effect

  • update(): void
  • Makes sure that the prepass renderer is up to date if it has been dirtified.

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static property
  • Static method

