  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

This class is responsible to draw the outline/overlay of meshes. It should not be used directly but through the available method on mesh.


  • OutlineRenderer




  • Instantiates a new outline renderer. (There could be only one per scene).


    • scene: Scene

      Defines the scene it belongs to

    Returns OutlineRenderer


name: string

The name of the component. Each component must have a unique name.

scene: Scene

The scene the component belongs to.

zOffset: number

Defines a zOffset default Factor to prevent zFighting between the overlay and the mesh.

zOffsetUnits: number

Defines a zOffset default Unit to prevent zFighting between the overlay and the mesh.


  • dispose(): void
  • Disposes the component and the associated resources.

    Returns void

  • isReady(subMesh: SubMesh, useInstances: boolean, renderPassId?: number): boolean
  • Returns whether or not the outline renderer is ready for a given submesh. All the dependencies e.g. submeshes, texture, effect... mus be ready


    • subMesh: SubMesh

      Defines the submesh to check readiness for

    • useInstances: boolean

      Defines whether wee are trying to render instances or not

    • Optional renderPassId: number

      Render pass id to use to render the mesh

    Returns boolean

    true if ready otherwise false

  • rebuild(): void
  • Rebuilds the elements related to this component in case of context lost for instance.

    Returns void

  • register(): void
  • Register the component to one instance of a scene.

    Returns void

  • render(subMesh: SubMesh, batch: _InstancesBatch, useOverlay?: boolean, renderPassId?: number): void
  • Renders the outline in the canvas.


    • subMesh: SubMesh

      Defines the sumesh to render

    • batch: _InstancesBatch

      Defines the batch of meshes in case of instances

    • Optional useOverlay: boolean

      Defines if the rendering is for the overlay or the outline

    • Optional renderPassId: number

      Render pass id to use to render the mesh

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

