WebGL2 Support


Starting with v3.0, Babylon.js supports rendering using WebGL1 and WebGL2 contexts. The support is transparent for developers. By default the engine tries to get a WebGL2 context. If none is available then a WebGL1 one is retrieved.

You can test which version of WebGL is enabled with: engine.webGLVersion property.


When WebGL2 is enabled, the shaders are automatically converted to GLSL v3.0. Babylon.js will then automatically take advantage of extended instruction/uniform counts.

If you are using custom shaders, the best idea would be to provide GLSL v2.0 shaders. This way your code will work on both contexts. You can obviously provide only v3.0 shaders but in this case your code will only work when WebGL2 is enabled.

Supported features

You can find here the list of supported features and the backward compatibility options (when available)

FeatureDescriptionWebGL1 compatibilityDemoMore info
Depth Frag
Used to compute logarithmic depth buffer
WebGL1 compatibility
Yes through an extension
Depth Frag
More info
Multisample render targets
Rendertarget textures can be multisampled to get antialiasing effect
WebGL1 compatibility
No. Has no effect on WebGL1 context
Multisample Render Targets
More info
See below
Standard derivatives
Standard derivatites are used in Babylon.js to help compute realtime bump
WebGL1 compatibility
Yes through an extension
More info
Texture LOD
Used by PRBMaterial to simulate microsurface
WebGL1 compatibility
Yes through an extension
More info
Vertex array objects (VAO)
A Vertex Array Object (or VAO) is an object that describes how the vertex attributes are stored in a Vertex Buffer Object (or VBO)
WebGL1 compatibility
Yes through an extension
N/A. Every rendering is done with VAO by default
More info
See below
Uniform buffer objects (UBO)
An uniform buffer object (or UBO) let you specify a group of uniforms from a buffer
WebGL1 compatibility
No. Uniforms are handled independently on WebGL1 context
N/A. Materials supporting UBO automatically uses them
More info
See below
Multiple Render Target (MRT)
Several Render Targets can be rendered in the same draw call.
WebGL1 compatibility
Yes through an extension
Multiple Render Target
More info
See below
Occlusion Queries
Occlusion queries detect whether a Mesh is visible in the current scene or not
WebGL1 compatibility
Yes through an extension
Occlusion Queries
More info
See below
3D Textures
3D textures are textures with a 3rd dimension. You can see them as multiple 2D textures where every texture is a slice in the 3d texture.
WebGL1 compatibility
No. Cannot be created in WebGL1
This feature will automatically be used when possible.
More info
See below
2D Array Textures
2D array textures are very similar to 3D textures but are designed for constructing a texture atlas instead of a volumetric texture.
WebGL1 compatibility
No. Cannot be created in WebGL1
2D Array Textures
More info
See below
Power of two textures
In the past, to achieve the best performance and higher quality texture rendering, images with dimensions that are a power of two were required. With support for WebGL2 this is no longer the case, any sized texture will be rendered optimally.
WebGL1 compatibility
Yes, however Babylon will resize textures to be a power of two causing a hit to performance
N/A. This is done by default
More info
See below
Transform feedback buffer
Transform feedback buffer can be used to update vertex buffers from GPU. Babylon.js uses it to implement GPU particles
WebGL1 compatibility
No. Not supported on WebGL1
Power Of Two Textures
More info
See particles documentation
Shadow Samplers
Shadow samplers are used to enable PCF depth comparison on the hardware. Babylon.js uses it to implement PCF and PCSS shadows.
WebGL1 compatibility
No. Not supported on WebGL1 (shadows fall back to poisson sampling)
Shadow Samplers
More info
See shadows documentation
More precise shadows
Shadow maps can now use 32 bits depth buffers improving by a large scale the precision of the shadows.
WebGL1 compatibility
No. Not supported on WebGL1 (shadows precision will fall back to 16 bits)
#ZT8BKT#57More Precise Shadows
More info
See shadows documentation

Multisample render targets

By default render targets (like mirrors for instance) are created without support for multisampling. To turn it on, just define a value for renderTarget.samples > 1. On WebGL1 context, this will do nothing. On WebGL2 context, this will enable multisampling (more samples imply better antialiasing but a slower rendering).

Here is an example of a mirror (512x512) with and without multisampling:

No MSAA (1 sample)MSAA (8 samples)
No MSAA (1 sample)
MSAA (8 samples)

Vertex array objects

When possible (either on WebGL2 context or when extension is available on WebGL1 context), Babylon.js will use VAO to control rendering. VAO are a kind of geometry objects. Instead of sending all attributes and buffers used by a mesh (one for position, one for normal, one for indices, one for texture coordinates, etc..), you can build a VAO which will keep track of all attributes / buffers used.

At rendering time, you just have to define one VAO instead of multiple VBO (vertex buffer object).

You can find more details on Tojicode's blog.

Uniform buffer objets

On WebGL1 context all uniforms are sent to GPU independently. This means that if your shader uses 16 matrices, you will call WebGL API 16 times to update all matrices before using your shader.

On WebGL2 context, you can use a UBO to set the values in a typed array all inside JavaScript. This means that it's much faster. When all the values are set you can then send them to the GPU with only one call.

You can find more details on WebGL 2 specification

Multiple Render Target

On former WebGL1, one draw call meant 1 target texture. Now you can bind several target textures to a shader and specify inside the fragment shader the colors you want to put on each texture. Essentially it saves you a lot of CPU time and you can achieve advanced effects like Deferred Shading.

In Babylon.js, our first use of this technique is to render a geometry buffer of the scene.

Occlusion queries

Occlusion queries detect whether a Mesh is visible in the current scene or not, and based on that the Mesh get drawn or not. Occlusion queries is useful when you have an expensive object on the scene and you want to make sure that it will get drawn if it is visible to the camera and it is not behind any opaque object. BabylonJs provides an implementation for Occlusion queries using property occlusionType in AbstractMesh Class

Babylon.js Occlusion Queries Feature

WebGL 2 Occlusion Queries

3D textures

3D textures are mostly used for volumetric effects like color grading, fire, smoke, etc. WebGL 2 support for 3D textures is as good as that for 2D textures.

So far Babylon.js will use them for color grading texture: 3D Textures Example

2D array textures

2D array textures allow you to pass a texture atlas to a custom shader. This could be used whenever you have multiple, distinct, 2D textures that you want to blend or switch between inside your shader. For example tiles, terrain splatting or frames of an animation. Using array textures ensures that distinct layers are sampled as if they were separate textures, so there will be no bleeding between different sections of the atlas.

Usage is very similar to 3D textures: create a RawTexture2DArray, use setTexture on the shader material, and use a sampler of type sampler2DArray. Sample using texture(yourSampler, vec3(u,v,layerIndex)) where layerIndex is a 0-based index into the array.

More information is available on the Khronos wiki.

2D Array Textures Example

Power of two textures

On WebGL1 context, all textures are resized to a power of two to produce the best quality. This resize may impact performance.

On WebGL2 context, no resize is required and any size texture will be rendered with the best quality.

You can find more details on WebGL 2 specification