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Define options used to create a render target texture




colorAttachment?: InternalTexture

Specifies the internal texture to use directly instead of creating one (ignores noColorAttachment flag when set)

createMipMaps?: boolean

Specifies if mipmaps must be created. If undefined, the value from generateMipMaps is taken instead

creationFlags?: number

Texture creation flags

format?: number

Defines format (RGBA by default)

generateDepthBuffer?: boolean

Specifies whether or not a depth should be allocated in the texture (true by default)

generateMipMaps?: boolean

Specifies if mipmaps must be generated

generateStencilBuffer?: boolean

Specifies whether or not a stencil should be allocated in the texture (false by default)

label?: string

Label of the texture (used for debugging only)

noColorAttachment?: boolean

Specifies that no color target should be bound to the render target (useful if you only want to write to the depth buffer, for eg)

samples?: number

Defines sample count (1 by default)

samplingMode?: number

Defines sampling mode (trilinear by default)

type?: number

Defines texture type (int by default)

useSRGBBuffer?: boolean

Creates the RTT in sRGB space


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

