  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Defines the options associated with the creation of a shader material.


  • IShaderMaterialOptions



attributes: string[]

The list of attribute names used in the shader

defines: string[]

The list of defines used in the shader

externalTextures: string[]

The list of external texture names used in the shader

needAlphaBlending: boolean

Does the material work in alpha blend mode

needAlphaTesting: boolean

Does the material work in alpha test mode

samplerObjects: string[]

The list of sampler object names used in the shader

samplers: string[]

The list of sampler (texture) names used in the shader

shaderLanguage?: ShaderLanguage

The language the shader is written in (default: GLSL)

storageBuffers: string[]

The list of storage buffer names used in the shader

uniformBuffers: string[]

The list of UBO names used in the shader

uniforms: string[]

The list of uniform names used in the shader

useClipPlane: Nullable<boolean>

Defines if clip planes have to be turned on: true to turn them on, false to turn them off and null to turn them on/off depending on the scene configuration (scene.clipPlaneX)


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

