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Options to be used when creating an additive animation




clipKeys?: boolean

If true, the key frames will be clipped to the range specified by range or fromFrame / toFrame (default is false)

cloneOriginalAnimation?: boolean

If true, the original animation will be cloned and converted to additive. If false, the original animation will be converted to additive (default is false)

clonedAnimationName?: string

The name of the cloned animation if cloneOriginalAnimation is true. If not provided, use the original animation name

fromFrame?: number

Together with toFrame, defines the range of the animation to convert to additive. Will only be used if range is not provided If range and fromFrame / toFrame are not provided, the whole animation will be converted to additive

range?: string

The name of the animation range to convert to additive. If not provided, fromFrame / toFrame will be used If fromFrame / toFrame are not provided either, the whole animation will be converted to additive

referenceFrame?: number

The frame that the animation should be relative to (if not provided, 0 will be used)

toFrame?: number

Together with fromFrame, defines the range of the animation to convert to additive.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

