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Highlight layer options. This helps customizing the behaviour of the highlight layer.


  • IHighlightLayerOptions



alphaBlendingMode: number

Alpha blending mode used to apply the blur. Default: ALPHA_COMBINE

blurHorizontalSize: number

How big in texel of the blur texture is the horizontal blur. Default: 1

blurTextureSizeRatio: number

Multiplication factor apply to the main texture size in the first step of the blur to reduce the size of the picture to blur (the smaller the faster). Default: 0.5

blurVerticalSize: number

How big in texel of the blur texture is the vertical blur. Default: 1

camera: Nullable<Camera>

The camera attached to the layer. Default: null

isStroke?: boolean

Should we display highlight as a solid stroke? Default: false

mainTextureFixedSize?: number

Enforces a fixed size texture to ensure resize independent blur. Default: undefined

mainTextureRatio: number

Multiplication factor apply to the canvas size to compute the render target size used to generated the glowing objects (the smaller the faster). Default: 0.5

mainTextureType: number

The type of the main texture. Default: TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT

renderingGroupId: number

The rendering group to draw the layer in. Default: -1


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

