  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Represents the different options available during the creation of a Environment helper.

This can control the default ground, skybox and image processing setup of your scene.


  • IEnvironmentHelperOptions



backgroundYRotation: number

The background rotation around the Y axis of the scene. This helps aligning the key lights of your scene with the background. 0 by default.

cameraContrast: number

The value of the contrast to apply to the scene. 1.6 by default if setupImageProcessing is true.

cameraExposure: number

The value of the exposure to apply to the scene. 0.6 by default if setupImageProcessing is true.

createGround: boolean

Specifies whether or not to create a ground. True by default.

createSkybox: boolean

Specifies whether or not to create a skybox. True by default.

enableGroundMirror: boolean

Creates a mirror texture attach to the ground. false by default.

enableGroundShadow: boolean

Enables the ground to receive shadows. True by default.

environmentTexture: string | BaseTexture

The texture used as your environment texture in the scene. Comes from the BabylonJS CDN by default and in use if setupImageProcessing is true.

Remarks: Can be either a texture or a url.

groundColor: Color3

The color mixed in the ground texture by default. BabylonJS clearColor by default.

groundMirrorAmount: number

Specifies the ground mirror visibility amount. 1 by default

groundMirrorBlurKernel: number

Specifies the ground mirror blur kernel size. 64 by default.

groundMirrorFallOffDistance: number

Specifies the ground mirror Falloff distance. This can helps reducing the size of the reflection. 0 by Default.

groundMirrorFresnelWeight: number

Specifies the ground mirror reflectance weight. This uses the standard weight of the background material to setup the fresnel effect of the mirror. 1 by default.

groundMirrorSizeRatio: number

Specifies the ground mirror size ratio. 0.3 by default as the default kernel is 64.

groundMirrorTextureType: number

Specifies the ground mirror texture type. Unsigned Int by Default.

groundOpacity: number

Specifies the ground opacity. 1 by default.

groundShadowLevel: number

Helps preventing the shadow to be fully black on the ground. 0.5 by default.

groundSize: number

Specifies the ground size. 15 by default.

groundTexture: string | BaseTexture

The texture used on the ground for the main color. Comes from the BabylonJS CDN by default.

Remarks: Can be either a texture or a url.

groundYBias: number

Specifies a bias applied to the ground vertical position to prevent z-fighting with the shown objects.

rootPosition: Vector3

Default position of the rootMesh if autoSize is not true.

setupImageProcessing: boolean

Sets up the image processing in the scene. true by default.

sizeAuto: boolean

Compute automatically the size of the elements to best fit with the scene.

skyboxColor: Color3

The color mixed in the skybox texture by default. BabylonJS clearColor by default.

skyboxSize: number

Specifies the skybox size. 20 by default.

skyboxTexture: string | BaseTexture

The texture used on the skybox for the main color. Comes from the BabylonJS CDN by default.

Remarks: Can be either a texture or a url.

toneMappingEnabled: boolean

Specifies whether or not tonemapping should be enabled in the scene. true by default if setupImageProcessing is true.


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

