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Represents one particle of a solid particle system.


  • SolidParticle



  • Creates a Solid Particle object. Don't create particles manually, use instead the Solid Particle System internal tools like _addParticle()


    • particleIndex: number

      (integer) is the particle index in the Solid Particle System pool.

    • particleId: number

      (integer) is the particle identifier. Unless some particles are removed from the SPS, it's the same value than the particle idx.

    • positionIndex: number

      (integer) is the starting index of the particle vertices in the SPS "positions" array.

    • indiceIndex: number

      (integer) is the starting index of the particle indices in the SPS "indices" array.

    • model: Nullable<ModelShape>

      (ModelShape) is a reference to the model shape on what the particle is designed.

    • shapeId: number

      (integer) is the model shape identifier in the SPS.

    • idxInShape: number

      (integer) is the index of the particle in the current model (ex: the 10th box of addShape(box, 30))

    • sps: SolidParticleSystem

      defines the sps it is associated to

    • Optional modelBoundingInfo: Nullable<BoundingInfo>

      is the reference to the model BoundingInfo used for intersection computations.

    • Optional materialIndex: Nullable<number>

      is the particle material identifier (integer) when the MultiMaterials are enabled in the SPS.

    Returns SolidParticle


alive: boolean

Is the particle active or not ?

The color of the particle

cullingStrategy: number

The culling strategy to use to check whether the solid particle must be culled or not when using isInFrustum(). The possible values are :

  • AbstractMesh.CULLINGSTRATEGY_OPTIMISTIC_INCLUSION_THEN_BSPHERE_ONLY The default value for solid particles is AbstractMesh.CULLINGSTRATEGY_BOUNDINGSPHERE_ONLY Please read each static variable documentation in the class AbstractMesh to get details about the culling process.
id: number

particle identifier

idx: number

particle global index

idxInShape: number

Index of the particle in its shape id

isVisible: boolean

Is the particle visible or not ?

materialIndex: Nullable<number>

The particle material identifier (integer) when MultiMaterials are enabled in the SPS.

parentId: Nullable<number>

Parent particle Id, if any. Default null.

pivot: Vector3

The pivot point in the particle local space.

position: Vector3

The world space position of the particle.

props: any

Custom object or properties.

rotation: Vector3

The world space rotation of the particle. (Not use if rotationQuaternion is set)

rotationQuaternion: Nullable<Quaternion>

The world space rotation quaternion of the particle.

scaling: Vector3

The scaling of the particle.

shapeId: number

ModelShape id of this particle

translateFromPivot: boolean

Must the particle be translated from its pivot point in its local space ? In this case, the pivot point is set at the origin of the particle local space and the particle is translated. Default : false

uvs: Vector4

The uvs of the particle.

velocity: Vector3

The current speed of the particle.


  • get hasBoundingInfo(): boolean
  • Returns true if there is already a bounding info

    Returns boolean

  • Legacy support, changed quaternion to rotationQuaternion

    Returns Nullable<Quaternion>

  • Legacy support, changed quaternion to rotationQuaternion


    Returns void

  • Legacy support, changed scale to scaling

    Returns Vector3

  • Legacy support, changed scale to scaling


    Returns void


  • Copies the particle property values into the existing target : position, rotation, scaling, uvs, colors, pivot, parent, visibility, alive


    Returns SolidParticle

    the current particle

  • Particle BoundingInfo object

    Returns BoundingInfo

    a BoundingInfo

  • Returns a boolean. True if the particle intersects another particle or another mesh, else false. The intersection is computed on the particle bounding sphere and Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB)


    • target: Mesh | SolidParticle

      is the object (solid particle or mesh) what the intersection is computed against.

    Returns boolean

    true if it intersects

  • isInFrustum(frustumPlanes: Plane[]): boolean
  • Returns true if the solid particle is within the frustum defined by the passed array of planes. A particle is in the frustum if its bounding box intersects the frustum


    • frustumPlanes: Plane[]

      defines the frustum to test

    Returns boolean

    true if the particle is in the frustum planes


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

