  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Represents a 2D path made up of multiple 2D points


  • Path2



  • new Path2(x: number, y: number): Path2
  • Creates a Path2 object from the starting 2D coordinates x and y.


    • x: number

      the starting points x value

    • y: number

      the starting points y value

    Returns Path2


closed: boolean

If the path start and end point are the same


  • addArcTo(midX: number, midY: number, endX: number, endY: number, numberOfSegments?: number): Path2
  • Adds numberOfSegments segments according to the arc definition (middle point coordinates, end point coordinates, the arc start point being the current Path2 last point) to the current Path2.


    • midX: number

      middle point x value

    • midY: number

      middle point y value

    • endX: number

      end point x value

    • endY: number

      end point y value

    • Optional numberOfSegments: number

      (default: 36)

    Returns Path2

    the updated Path2.

  • addBezierCurveTo(originTangentX: number, originTangentY: number, destinationTangentX: number, destinationTangentY: number, endX: number, endY: number, numberOfSegments?: number): Path2
  • Adds numberOfSegments segments according to the bezier curve definition to the current Path2.


    • originTangentX: number

      tangent vector at the origin point x value

    • originTangentY: number

      tangent vector at the origin point y value

    • destinationTangentX: number

      tangent vector at the destination point x value

    • destinationTangentY: number

      tangent vector at the destination point y value

    • endX: number

      end point x value

    • endY: number

      end point y value

    • Optional numberOfSegments: number

      (default: 36)

    Returns Path2

    the updated Path2.

  • addLineTo(x: number, y: number): Path2
  • Adds a new segment until the given coordinates (x, y) to the current Path2.


    • x: number

      the added points x value

    • y: number

      the added points y value

    Returns Path2

    the updated Path2.

  • addQuadraticCurveTo(controlX: number, controlY: number, endX: number, endY: number, numberOfSegments?: number): Path2
  • Adds numberOfSegments segments according to the quadratic curve definition to the current Path2.


    • controlX: number

      control point x value

    • controlY: number

      control point y value

    • endX: number

      end point x value

    • endY: number

      end point y value

    • Optional numberOfSegments: number

      (default: 36)

    Returns Path2

    the updated Path2.

  • area(): number
  • Gets the area of the polygon defined by the path

    Returns number

    area value

  • Closes the Path2.

    Returns Path2

    the Path2.

  • getPointAtLengthPosition(normalizedLengthPosition: number): Vector2
  • Retreives the point at the distance aways from the starting point


    • normalizedLengthPosition: number

      the length along the path to retrieve the point from

    Returns Vector2

    a new Vector2 located at a percentage of the Path2 total length on this path.

  • Gets the points which construct the path

    Returns Vector2[]

    the Path2 internal array of points.

  • isPointInside(point: Vector2): boolean
  • Defines if a given point is inside the polygon defines by the path


    • point: Vector2

      defines the point to test

    Returns boolean

    true if the point is inside

  • length(): number
  • Gets the sum of the distance between each sequential point in the path

    Returns number

    the Path2 total length (float).

  • StartingAt(x: number, y: number): Path2
  • Creates a new path starting from an x and y position


    • x: number

      starting x value

    • y: number

      starting y value

    Returns Path2

    a new Path2 starting at the coordinates (x, y).


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

