  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Class used to manage all inputs for the scene.


  • InputManager



  • Creates a new InputManager


    • Optional scene: Scene

      defines the hosting scene

    Returns InputManager


DoubleClickDelay: number

Time in milliseconds with two consecutive clicks will be considered as a double click

DragMovementThreshold: number

The distance in pixel that you have to move to prevent some events

ExclusiveDoubleClickMode: boolean

This flag will modify the behavior so that, when true, a click will happen if and only if another click DOES NOT happen within the DoubleClickDelay time frame. If another click does happen within that time frame, the first click will not fire an event and and a double click will occur.

LongPressDelay: number

Time in milliseconds to wait to raise long press events if button is still pressed


  • Gets the mesh that is currently under the pointer

    Returns Nullable<AbstractMesh>

    Mesh that the pointer is pointer is hovering over

  • get pointerX(): number
  • set pointerX(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the current on-screen X position of the pointer

    Returns number

    Translated X with respect to screen

  • Gets or sets the current on-screen X position of the pointer


    • value: number

    Returns void

    Translated X with respect to screen

  • get pointerY(): number
  • set pointerY(value: number): void
  • Gets or sets the current on-screen Y position of the pointer

    Returns number

    Translated Y with respect to screen

  • Gets or sets the current on-screen Y position of the pointer


    • value: number

    Returns void

    Translated Y with respect to screen

  • Gets the pointer coordinates in 2D without any translation (ie. straight out of the pointer event)

    Returns Vector2

    Vector with X/Y values directly from pointer event


  • attachControl(attachUp?: boolean, attachDown?: boolean, attachMove?: boolean, elementToAttachTo?: Nullable<HTMLElement>): void
  • Attach events to the canvas (To handle actionManagers triggers and raise onPointerMove, onPointerDown and onPointerUp


    • Optional attachUp: boolean

      defines if you want to attach events to pointerup

    • Optional attachDown: boolean

      defines if you want to attach events to pointerdown

    • Optional attachMove: boolean

      defines if you want to attach events to pointermove

    • Optional elementToAttachTo: Nullable<HTMLElement>

      defines the target DOM element to attach to (will use the canvas by default)

    Returns void

  • detachControl(): void
  • Detaches all event handlers

    Returns void

  • When using more than one pointer (for example in XR) you can get the mesh under the specific pointer


    • pointerId: number

      the pointer id to use

    Returns Nullable<AbstractMesh>

    The mesh under this pointer id or null if not found

  • Gets the mesh under the pointer

    Returns Nullable<AbstractMesh>

    a Mesh or null if no mesh is under the pointer

  • isPointerCaptured(pointerId?: number): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if the current pointer event is captured (meaning that the scene has already handled the pointer down)


    • Optional pointerId: number

      defines the pointer id to use in a multi-touch scenario (0 by default)

    Returns boolean

    true if the pointer was captured

  • Force the value of meshUnderPointer


    • mesh: Nullable<AbstractMesh>

      defines the mesh to use

    • Optional pointerId: number

      optional pointer id when using more than one pointer. Defaults to 0

    • Optional pickResult: Nullable<PickingInfo>

      optional pickingInfo data used to find mesh

    • Optional evt: IPointerEvent

      optional pointer event

    Returns void

  • simulatePointerDown(pickResult: PickingInfo, pointerEventInit?: PointerEventInit): void
  • Use this method to simulate a pointer down on a mesh The pickResult parameter can be obtained from a scene.pick or scene.pickWithRay


    • pickResult: PickingInfo

      pickingInfo of the object wished to simulate pointer event on

    • Optional pointerEventInit: PointerEventInit

      pointer event state to be used when simulating the pointer event (eg. pointer id for multitouch)

    Returns void

  • simulatePointerMove(pickResult: PickingInfo, pointerEventInit?: PointerEventInit): void
  • Use this method to simulate a pointer move on a mesh The pickResult parameter can be obtained from a scene.pick or scene.pickWithRay


    • pickResult: PickingInfo

      pickingInfo of the object wished to simulate pointer event on

    • Optional pointerEventInit: PointerEventInit

      pointer event state to be used when simulating the pointer event (eg. pointer id for multitouch)

    Returns void

  • simulatePointerUp(pickResult: PickingInfo, pointerEventInit?: PointerEventInit, doubleTap?: boolean): void
  • Use this method to simulate a pointer up on a mesh The pickResult parameter can be obtained from a scene.pick or scene.pickWithRay


    • pickResult: PickingInfo

      pickingInfo of the object wished to simulate pointer event on

    • Optional pointerEventInit: PointerEventInit

      pointer event state to be used when simulating the pointer event (eg. pointer id for multitouch)

    • Optional doubleTap: boolean

      indicates that the pointer up event should be considered as part of a double click (false by default)

    Returns void


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static property
  • Static method

