  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Defines a block used to generate icosphere geometry data





comments: string

A free comment about the block

evaluateContext: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this block can evaluate context Build performance is improved when this value is set to false as the system will cache values instead of reevaluating everything per context change

onBuildObservable: Observable<NodeGeometryBlock>

Gets an observable raised when the block is built

uniqueId: number

Gets or sets the unique id of the node

visibleOnFrame: boolean

Gets or sets a boolean indicating that this input can be edited from a collapsed frame


  • get buildExecutionTime(): number
  • Gets the time spent to build this block (in ms)

    Returns number

  • Gets the list of input points

    Returns NodeGeometryConnectionPoint[]

  • get isDebug(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if this block is a debug block

    Returns boolean

  • get isInput(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if this block is an input

    Returns boolean

  • get isTeleportIn(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if this block is a teleport in

    Returns boolean

  • get isTeleportOut(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating if this block is a teleport out

    Returns boolean

  • get isUnique(): boolean
  • Gets a boolean indicating that this block can only be used once per NodeGeometry

    Returns boolean

  • get name(): string
  • set name(value: string): void
  • Gets or set the name of the block

    Returns string

  • Gets or set the name of the block


    • value: string

    Returns void

  • Gets the list of output points

    Returns NodeGeometryConnectionPoint[]


  • _deserialize(serializationObject: any): void
  • Parameters

    • serializationObject: any

    Returns void

  • autoConfigure(): void
  • Lets the block try to connect some inputs automatically

    Returns void

  • Build the current node and generate the vertex data


    Returns boolean

    true if already built

  • dispose(): void
  • getClassName(): string
  • initialize(): void
  • Initialize the block and prepare the context for build

    Returns void

  • Checks if the current block is an ancestor of a given block


    Returns boolean

    true if block is a descendant

  • isAnAncestorOfType(type: string): boolean
  • Checks if the current block is an ancestor of a given type


    • type: string

      defines the potential type to check

    Returns boolean

    true if block is a descendant

  • Register a new input. Must be called inside a block constructor


    • name: string

      defines the connection point name

    • type: NodeGeometryBlockConnectionPointTypes

      defines the connection point type

    • Optional isOptional: boolean

      defines a boolean indicating that this input can be omitted

    • Optional value: any

      value to return if there is no connection

    • Optional valueMin: any

      min value accepted for value

    • Optional valueMax: any

      max value accepted for value

    Returns IcoSphereBlock

    the current block

  • serialize(): any
  • Serializes this block in a JSON representation

    Returns any

    the serialized block object


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

