  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Manage the keyboard inputs to control the movement of a follow camera.




  • FollowCameraKeyboardMoveInput





camera: FollowCamera

Defines the camera the input is attached to.

heightSensibility: number

Defines the rate of change of heightOffset.

keysHeightOffsetDecr: number[]

Defines the list of key codes associated with the down action (decrease heightOffset)

keysHeightOffsetIncr: number[]

Defines the list of key codes associated with the up action (increase heightOffset)

keysHeightOffsetModifierAlt: boolean

Defines whether the Alt modifier key is required to move up/down (alter heightOffset)

keysHeightOffsetModifierCtrl: boolean

Defines whether the Ctrl modifier key is required to move up/down (alter heightOffset)

keysHeightOffsetModifierShift: boolean

Defines whether the Shift modifier key is required to move up/down (alter heightOffset)

keysRadiusDecr: number[]

Defines the list of key codes associated with the zoom-out action (increase radius)

keysRadiusIncr: number[]

Defines the list of key codes associated with the zoom-in action (decrease radius)

keysRadiusModifierAlt: boolean

Defines whether the Alt modifier key is required to zoom in/out (alter radius value)

keysRadiusModifierCtrl: boolean

Defines whether the Ctrl modifier key is required to zoom in/out (alter radius value)

keysRadiusModifierShift: boolean

Defines whether the Shift modifier key is required to zoom in/out (alter radius value)

keysRotationOffsetDecr: number[]

Defines the list of key codes associated with the right action (decrease rotationOffset)

keysRotationOffsetIncr: number[]

Defines the list of key codes associated with the left action (increase rotationOffset)

keysRotationOffsetModifierAlt: boolean

Defines whether the Alt modifier key is required to move left/right (alter rotationOffset)

keysRotationOffsetModifierCtrl: boolean

Defines whether the Ctrl modifier key is required to move left/right (alter rotationOffset)

keysRotationOffsetModifierShift: boolean

Defines whether the Shift modifier key is required to move left/right (alter rotationOffset)

radiusSensibility: number

Defines the rate of change of radius.

rotationSensibility: number

Defines the rate of change of rotationOffset.


  • attachControl(noPreventDefault?: boolean): void
  • checkInputs(): void
  • Update the current camera state depending on the inputs that have been used this frame. This is a dynamically created lambda to avoid the performance penalty of looping for inputs in the render loop.

    Returns void

  • detachControl(): void
  • Detach the current controls from the specified dom element.

    Returns void

  • getClassName(): string
  • Gets the class name of the current input.

    Returns string

    the class name

  • getSimpleName(): string
  • Get the friendly name associated with the input class.

    Returns string

    the input friendly name


  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

