  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Defines a rendering object based on a list of custom buffers The list must contain at least a "position" buffer!




  • Creates a new instance of the class


    • scene: Scene

      The scene the particles should be rendered into

    • buffers: {}

      The list of buffers (must contain at least one "position" buffer!). Note that you don't have to pass all (or any!) buffers at once in the constructor, you can use the addBuffers method to add more later.

    • numParticles: number

      Number of vertices to take into account from the buffers

    Returns FluidRenderingObjectCustomParticles


onParticleSizeChanged: Observable<FluidRenderingObject>

Observable triggered when the size of the particle is changed

particleThicknessAlpha: number

Defines the alpha value of a particle

priority: number

Defines the priority of the object. Objects will be rendered in ascending order of priority


  • Gets the index buffer (or null if the object is using instancing)

    Returns Nullable<DataBuffer>

  • get numParticles(): number
  • Gets the number of particles in this object

    Returns number

    The number of particles

  • get particleSize(): number
  • set particleSize(size: number): void
  • Gets or sets the size of the particle

    Returns number

  • Gets or sets the size of the particle


    • size: number

    Returns void

  • get useInstancing(): boolean
  • Indicates if the object uses instancing or not

    Returns boolean

  • get useVelocity(): boolean
  • set useVelocity(use: boolean): void
  • Indicates if velocity of particles should be used when rendering the object. The vertex buffer set must contain a "velocity" buffer for this to work!

    Returns boolean

  • Indicates if velocity of particles should be used when rendering the object. The vertex buffer set must contain a "velocity" buffer for this to work!


    • use: boolean

    Returns void

  • get vertexBuffers(): {}
  • Gets the vertex buffers

    Returns {}


  • addBuffers(buffers: {}): void
  • Add some new buffers


    • buffers: {}

      List of buffers

    Returns void

  • dispose(): void
  • Releases the ressources used by the class

    Returns void

  • getClassName(): string
  • isReady(): boolean
  • Indicates if the object is ready to be rendered

    Returns boolean

    True if everything is ready for the object to be rendered, otherwise false

  • renderDepthTexture(): void
  • renderDiffuseTexture(): void
  • renderThicknessTexture(): void
  • setNumParticles(num: number): void
  • Sets the number of particles in this object


    • num: number

      The number of particles to take into account

    Returns void


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

