  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

This class is a small wrapper around the MinMaxReducer class to compute the min/max values of a depth texture





onAfterReductionPerformed: Observable<{ max: number; min: number }>

Observable triggered when the computation has been performed


  • get activated(): boolean
  • Gets the activation status of the reducer

    Returns boolean

  • Gets the depth renderer used for the computation. Note that the result is null if you provide your own renderer when calling setDepthRenderer.

    Returns Nullable<DepthRenderer>

  • get refreshRate(): number
  • set refreshRate(value: number): void
  • Defines the refresh rate of the computation. Use 0 to compute just once, 1 to compute on every frame, 2 to compute every two frames and so on...

    Returns number

  • Defines the refresh rate of the computation. Use 0 to compute just once, 1 to compute on every frame, 2 to compute every two frames and so on...


    • value: number

    Returns void

  • Gets the texture used to read the values from.

    Returns Nullable<RenderTargetTexture>


  • activate(): void
  • Activates the reduction computation. When activated, the observers registered in onAfterReductionPerformed are called after the computation is performed

    Returns void

  • deactivate(): void
  • Deactivates the reduction computation.

    Returns void

  • dispose(disposeAll?: boolean): void
  • Disposes the depth reducer


    • Optional disposeAll: boolean

      true to dispose all the resources. You should always call this function with true as the parameter (or without any parameter as it is the default one). This flag is meant to be used internally.

    Returns void

  • setDepthRenderer(depthRenderer?: Nullable<DepthRenderer>, type?: number, forceFullscreenViewport?: boolean): void
  • Sets the depth renderer to use to generate the depth map


    • Optional depthRenderer: Nullable<DepthRenderer>

      The depth renderer to use. If not provided, a new one will be created automatically

    • Optional type: number

      The texture type of the depth map (default: TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT)

    • Optional forceFullscreenViewport: boolean

      Forces the post processes used for the reduction to be applied without taking into account viewport (defaults to true)

    Returns void


  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Property
  • Method
  • Static method

