Draw a Sector of a Circle

Draw an Arc Between Two Vectors

Given an origin O and two vectors OA and OB this snippet draws an arc between the two vectors with a given radius. The arc can be drawn in three types 0 (default) a solid line, 1 a dashed line, 2 filled between arc and vectors.

function showAngleSector(origin, vector1, vector2, radius, sectorType) {
radius = radius || 1;
sectorType = sectorType || 0;
const cross = BABYLON.Vector3.Cross(vector1, vector2);
const dot = BABYLON.Vector3.Dot(vector1, vector2);
const angle = Math.acos(dot / (vector1.length() * vector2.length()));
const points = [];
const minNb = 4;
const factor = 2;
let nbPoints = Math.floor(radius * angle * factor);
nbPoints = nbPoints < minNb ? minNb : nbPoints;
const firstPoint = BABYLON.Vector3.Normalize(vector1).scale(radius);
const lastPoint = BABYLON.Vector3.Normalize(vector2).scale(radius);
let matrix;
let ang = angle / nbPoints;
let rotated;
for (let i = 0; i < nbPoints; i++) {
matrix = BABYLON.Matrix.RotationAxis(cross, ang * i);
rotated = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(firstPoint, matrix);
let sector;
switch (sectorType) {
case 0:
sector = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("sector", { points }, scene);
case 1:
sector = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateDashedLines("sector", points, 3, 1, nbPoints, scene);
case 2:
const pointO = [];
for (let j = 0; j < points.length; j++) {
sector = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateRibbon("sector", [points, pointO], null, null, 0, scene);
sector = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateLines("sector", { points }, scene);
return sector;


Draw an Arc Between Two Vectors