Obtaining Babylon.js Packages

Available Packages

We offer the following packages via CDN, NPM and ES6. It is important that you choose only one of these the delivery methods for you project, mixing any two of them will ensure failure.

The packages available are listed below.

The core babylonjs which is necessary for all and sufficient for many projects, plus

  • babylonjs-materials - A collection of Babylon-supported advanced materials.
  • babylonjs-loaders - All of Babylon's official loaders (OBJ, STL, glTF).
  • babylonjs-post-process - Babylon's post processes.
  • babylonjs-procedural-textures - Officially supported procedural textures.
  • babylonjs-serializers - Scene / mesh serializers.
  • babylonjs-gui - Babylon.js GUI.
  • babylonjs-inspector - Babylon.js inspector.
  • babylonjs-viewer - The stand-alone Babylon.js Viewer.

History of Package Delivery

In the early days the framework was written in JavaScript and the common way of consuming a JavaScript framework was to load it in a script tag in your HTML and populate a global namespace. Hence the use of BABYLON as the namespace as, for example, in

var scene = new BABYLON.Scene(engine);
var camera = new BABYLON.FreeCamera("camera1", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 5, -10));
var light = new BABYLON.HemisphericLight("light", new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 1, 0));

The framework was originally available as a single JavaScript package to download from Github and away you went. Whilst this approach has a very clear upside, ease of use, it also has many downsides. As the package grew larger and larger over time the framework became harder to maintain and attempts to provide a way to minimize the package size were only partly successful. To overcome these issues a change to developing in Typescript and the use of NPM was intoduced to the framework. As backward compatability is an important principal of Babylon.js the current version Javascript packages are still available from the Babylon.js CDN and can be directly accessed or downloaded for local use.

The use of npm meant that developers could include Babylon.js in their build tool. By version 3 module support was added using CommonJS moving to UMD (Universal Module Definition). The good thing about our UMD package is the support of one of Babylon.js’ cornerstones. Backwards compatibility could be maintained. Namespaces worked, packages could still be included in a script tag. For those who want it projects could be written in Typescript ready to compile to Javascript. Everybody’s happy. Then along comes ES6.

ES6 provides better dependency management, better syntax, better code structure. And with it, one of its wonderful side-effects — take only what you need. No need to consume the entire Babylon.js package if you just want to show a sphere in a skybox. Welcome tree shaking! Writting your project in Typescript is of course supported. However ES6 has a few hurdles that need to be jumped over just to get it to work. You will probably need a bundler. You will probably need a (custom) build process. You will probably need to compile it to ES5 for cross-browser support.

Babylon.js’s codebase has gradually moved from an older namespace-based syntax to a modern import-based syntax. A main issue with that was backwards compatibility. A future-safe architecture is always a hard task and apparently the older versions of Babylon.js were not entirely that. In some cases, we had circular dependencies. In some cases, we had side-effect (code running when the script is loaded), which is discouraged when using (pure) es6 modules.


What should you use?

Well, as always, that depends. UMD is still faster for rapid prototyping. The Babylon.js playground, for example, still uses the UMD packages (and the global BABYLON namespace). On the other hand, if you start a new project and want to bring a bit of structure, better architecture and smaller package size, I always recommend ES6.

UMD “just works”, mainly because it is still using the most basic browser functionalities. It also guaranteed to work on any browser with WebGL support (yes IE11, I am looking at Safari). Don’t want to use npm? You don’t have to.

ES6 does not populate the global namespace, so no more BABYLON.* support. This might cause (your) legacy work to stop working, or might present some compatibility issues with our documentation website, which, for the sake of consistency, mostly use the BABYLON namespace in code examples. So if you want to just copy examples from the doc page without the need to (sometimes) change them, use UMD.

But whatever you do, choose one of them. Most of the time, when we have a forum question about build issues, it is because of mixing the two module flavors.

Coming next

Framework Versions
Learn about the different versions of Babylon.js.
Framework Versions
CDN Babylon.js Packages
Obtain BABYLON.js Packages via CDN.
CDN Babylon.js Packages
NPM Support
Learn about Babylon.js's use of the NPM Package Manager.
NPM Support
Babylon.js ES6 support with Tree Shaking
Learn about tree shaking and package management in Babylon.js.
Babylon.js ES6 support with Tree Shaking