Using the SSAO Rendering Pipeline

BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline is a rendering pipeline (chained post-processes) that will compute the ambient occlusion of a given scene from the screen space. You can find an example in our playground:

SSAO Rendering Pipeline Example

The post-processes chain is defined by:

  • Original scene color post-process: saves the original scene color
  • SSAO post-process
  • Horizontal blur post-process
  • Vertical blur post-process
  • Combine post-process: blends the Vertical blur post-process output with the original scene color

Using it is pretty straightforward:

const ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline("ssaopipeline", scene, 0.75);

The third argument is the ratio used by SSAO, Horizontal blur and Vertical blur post-processes You can also set an array of Camera as fourth argument, then the constructor will automatically attach the rendering pipeline to the given cameras like:

const ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline('ssaopipeline', scene, 0.75, [camera1 etc.]);

If you want to attach manually the rendering pipeline, just use the scene rendering pipeline manager like:

const ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline("ssaopipeline", scene, 0.75);
scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.attachCamerasToRenderPipeline("ssaopipeline", cameras);

**Warning: To save your performances, you should compute the SSAO/blurH/blurV with a lower ratio than 1.0 **

If you want to detach and destroy the rendering pipeline, you can just call dispose() method


You can see the SSAO post-process output by detaching the combine post-process like:

scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.disableEffectInPipeline("ssaopipeline", ssao.SSAOCombineRenderEffect, cameras);

**Note: SSAO uses the depth map renderer and activates it by default. You can disable the depth map renderer by passing "true" as argument in the dispose() method **

For more customization, you can specify the SSAO and Combine post-processes ratios like:

const ssao = new BABYLON.SSAORenderingPipeline('ssaopipeline', scene, { ssaoRatio: 0.5, combineRatio: 1.0 }, [camera1 etc.]);