
What is an Aggregate

The Physics Aggregate is a object that contains a Body and a Shape. It's a helper that allows creating all the objects necessary to physicalize your scene in just one call. In that sense, it's similar to Physics V1 Impostors, but with more control. Once created, you can easily get the individual parts and tweak them.

How to use it

const sphere = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("sphere", 16, 2, scene);
const aggregate = new BABYLON.PhysicsAggregate(sphere, BABYLON.PhysicsShapeType.SPHERE, { mass: 1 }, scene);

This is very similar to the Physics V1 Impostor. At aggregate creation, a body and a shape are instantiated all at once. However, recreating shapes is not the most performant choice. You can alternatively pass the shape instead of the PhysicsShapeType, and the aggregate will reuse that shape:

const sphere = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere("sphere", 16, 2, scene);
const sphere2 = sphere.clone("sphere2");
const aggregate = new BABYLON.PhysicsAggregate(sphere, BABYLON.PhysicsShapeType.SPHERE, { mass: 1 }, scene);
const aggregate2 = new BABYLON.PhysicsAggregate(sphere2, aggregate.shape, { mass: 1 }, scene);
Reuse shapes with Aggregates Simple scene with Aggregate

Tweaking and accessing individual components

You can access the individual physics components by using the accessors:

const aggregate = new BABYLON.PhysicsAggregate(sphere, BABYLON.PhysicsShapeType.SPHERE, { mass: 1 }, scene);
aggregate.body.setMassProperties({mass: 10});

Disposing of an Aggregate

You can dispose of an aggregate by using the dispose method. This will dispose of the body and shape that were created by it, in case the shape was created by the aggregate. If the shape was passed as a parameter, then it will not be disposed, as it could still be in use by another body.

Further reading