GreasedLine advanced examples

GreasedLine advanced examples

This page contains some ideas for using GreasedLine.

Audio analyzer

Shows how you can use widths and offsets to create a simple audio analyzer. There are two horizontal lines drawn. The big analyzer's widths are are changed and the smaller's offsets according to the frequency data of the music. It also shows how can you manually create a RawTexture for the colors option. The colors are animated simply by modifying the UV offset of the colors texture.

Please unmute the audio after the PG starts.

Line audio analyzer

Circular audio analyzer

A cool circular audio analyzer using one line. Uses GreasedLineTools.GetCircleLinePoints to get the points. Setting to dash mode creates the sections. Adding some calm colors and animating the colors texture's uv in the other direction as the circle is rotating results to static colors on the circle. Modify the widths of the line according to the audio frequencies and you get the audio analyzer. Finally add some particles to make it cooler.

Please unmute the audio after the PG starts.

Circular audio analyzer

Light speed

Shows how to create a light speed effect using widths, visibility and scaling the lines along the z axis. There are several lines draw in lazy mode and joined into one mesh when the updateLazy() method is called.

Visibility is set to a very low value so the lines appears as dots at the beginning (stars). Widths are also kept low at startup. Simply by increasing the visiblity, widths and scaling the lines the effect becomes alive. Playing a bit with the glow value also helps the effect to be more attractive.

If you want a longer effect you can create more instances of the line mesh and start animating them just at the right time. You could also use only two instances and reuse them. Animate one, prepare the other, animate the second and prepare the first one. Repeat and you will get an infinite light speed effect.

Light speed effect

Flower power

Slowly revealing beautiful text drawn by flowers.

Uses GreasedLineTools.GetPointsFromText function to get the points coordinates of the drawn text. The text is then hidden and only it's line coordinates are used. Using the GreasedLineTools.GetPositionOnLineByVisibility goes through the drawn text by incrementing the visibility value and adds animated Sprites of flowers to slowly reveal the whole text.

If your text is not complete and flowers are missing you have to increase the capacity of the SpriteManager or lower the density of the flowers by lowering the value at line 47. You can also alter the target size of the flowers in the addFlower function.

Flower power

Lighting bolts

These lightnings will make even Thor envy. Calculates the position and widths of the bolts using a simple recursive algorithm and draws the lines. Add a bit of glow and you get a cool lightning.

Lighting bolts


GreasedLine can be used to create sparks.

First generate the path the sparks will follow. Create GreasedLines each with a random color from a predefined color palette and with different widths from these paths.

Simulating sparks - step 1

Now set to dash mode and set a dashRatio close to 1 so only a small part of the line will be visible in dash mode. Set the number of sparks along the line to an appropriate value.

useDash: true,
dashRatio: 0.98,
dashCount: 10
Simulating sparks - step 2

Now start to animate the dashOffset property of the line.greasedLineMaterial. Add a glow effect as well.

scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(() => {
const animRatio = scene.getAnimationRatio()
for (let i = 0; i < sparkCount; i++) {
sparks[i].line.greasedLineMaterial.dashOffset += sparks[i].speed * animRatio
Simulating sparks - step 3

All we need to do now is add the UFO and some particles.

Simulating sparks

Revealing text

Shows how can you make a revealing text using the visibility property. If the text pops up already visible just run the PG once again by click the Play button.

Revealing text


A supernova like star using GreasedLine. It draws the main star, applies volumetric light scattering to it and adds two more outer regions to the star using a glow effect. All greased line meshes are then parented to a TransformNode which is rotated around the Z axis.



Just some vegetation drawn using GreasedLines.

You will want to tweak the parameters for sure to get a low poly version of the the tree/grass/bush otherwise this technique is not recommended for production because it generates a lot of geometry. The visual appearance is neither not quite satisfying but you can achieve quite good results by generating grass/bushes (remove the trunk of the tree). Instancing is highly recommended.

Press PLAY to generate a new one.


Simply by drawing a circle and setting the widths of the line in the right places to the right values we can create a recycle logo very easily.

Recycle logo

Shows how can you draw navigation path lines or display currents in the air or in the water. This PG shows only one line but you can ofcourse draw as many as needed.

The line uses an alpha texture which is animated using modifying the uOffset of the texture.

Navigation path or Displaying currents