Available Node Material Blocks

Here is the default list of Node Material Blocks available to use.



Provides a world matrix for each vertex, based on skeletal (bone/joint) animation.

  • Inputs:
    • matricesIndices: Vector4
    • matricesWeights: Vector4
    • matricesIndicesExtra: Vector4
    • matricesWeightsExtra: Vector4
    • world: Matrix
  • Outputs:
    • output: Matrix


Provides the final positions, normals, tangents, and uvs based on morph targets in a mesh.

  • Inputs:
    • position: Vector3
    • normal: Vector3
    • tangent: Vector3
    • uv: Vector2
  • Outputs:
    • positionOutput: Vector3
    • normalOutput: Vector3
    • tangentOutput: Vetor3
    • uvOutput: Vector2

Color Management


Convert a color input into a grayscale representation.

  • Inputs:
    • color: Color3
    • level: Float
  • Outputs:
    • output: Color3


Returns the color in the gradient represented by the target value of the input.

  • Inputs:
    • value: Float.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Color3.


Reduces the number of values in each channel to the number in the corresponding channel of steps.

  • Inputs:
    • value: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • steps: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Outputs the replacement color if the distance between value and reference is less than distance, else outputs the value color.

  • Inputs:
    • value: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • reference: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • distance: Float
    • replacement: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.

Example: Replace Color Block Example



Combines float input channels into a color.

  • Inputs:
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float
    • a: Float
  • Outputs:
    • rgba: Color4
    • rgb: Color3


Separates color input channels into individual floats.

  • Inputs:
    • rgba: Color4
    • rgb: Color3
  • Outputs:
    • rgb: Color3
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float
    • a: Float


Combines up to four input floats into a vector.

  • Inputs:
    • x: Float
    • y: Float
    • z: Float
    • w: Float
  • Outputs:
    • xyzw: Vector4
    • xyz: Vector3
    • xy: Vector2


Separates vectors input channels into individual floats.

  • Inputs:
    • xyzw: Vector4
    • xyz: Vector3
    • xy: Vector2
  • Outputs:
    • xyz: Vector3
    • xy: Vector2
    • x: Float
    • y: Float
    • z: Float
    • w: Float



A node for reading a texture with biplanar mapping

  • Inputs:
    • position: Vector3 / Vector4
    • normal: Vector3 / Vector4
    • sharpness: Float
    • source: an ImageSource block (optional)
    • sourceY: an ImageSource block (optional)
  • Output:
    • rgba: Vector4
    • rgb: Vector3
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float
    • a: Float
    • level: Float


A color made up of red, green, and blue channel values.

  • Output:
    • output: Color3


A color made up of red, green, blue, and alpha channel values.

  • Output:
    • output: Color4


A float representing the time that has passed since the last frame was rendered.

  • Output:
    • output: Float


A floating point number representing a value with a fractional component.

  • Output:
    • output: Float


The gl_FragCoord predefined variable (window relative coordinates (x,y,z,1/w))

  • Output:
    • xy: Vector2
    • xyz: Vector3
    • xyzw: Vector4
    • x: Float
    • y: Float
    • z: Float
    • w: Float


A node for reading an embedded or linked image that can be shared across several Texture nodes.

  • Output:
    • Source: Can only be used as an input on a Texture block or any other block allowing an ImageSource as input


A float representing the alpha value of the material.

  • Output: Float


Creates a reflection from the input texture.

  • Input:
    • position: Vector3
    • worldPosition: Vector4
    • worldNormal: Vector4
    • world: Matrix
    • cameraPosition: Vector3
    • view: Matrix
  • Output:
    • rgb: Color3
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float


The size of the screen window

  • Output:
    • xy: Vector2
    • x: Float
    • y: Float


A node for reading a linked or embedded texture file.

  • Inputs:
    • uv: Vector2 (mesh.uv automatically attached).
    • source: an ImageSource
  • Outputs:
    • rgba: Vector4
    • rgb: Vector3
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float
    • a: Float
    • level: Float


A float value that represents the time that has passed since the scene was loaded.

  • Output:
    • output: Float


A node for reading a texture with triplanar mapping

  • Inputs:
    • position: Vector3 / Vector4
    • normal: Vector3 / Vector4
    • sharpness: Float
    • source: an ImageSource block (optional)
    • sourceY: an ImageSource block (optional)
    • sourceZ: an ImageSource block (optional)
  • Output:
    • rgba: Vector4
    • rgb: Vector3
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float
    • a: Float
    • level: Float


a vector composed of X and Y channels.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector2


a vector composed of X, Y, and Z channels.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector3


a vector composed of X, Y, Z, and W channels.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector4



Outputs a value that is a mix of the left and right inputs based on the target value.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4
    • gradient: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.


Outputs a value that is a mix of the left and right inputs based on the target's normalized value.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4
    • gradient: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.


Outputs a value based on a the input value's position on a curve between the two edge values.

  • Inputs:
    • value: Float
    • edge0: Float
    • edge1: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs 1 for any input value above the edge input, outputs 0 for any input value below the edge input.

  • Input:
    • value: Float
    • edge: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float



If both inputs are non-zero values the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


If both inputs are equal the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


If input a is greater or equal to input b the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


If input a is greater than input b the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


If input a is less than or equal to input b the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


If input a is less than input b the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


If input a not equal to input b the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


If either input is a non-zero value the block evaluates true, otherwise it evaluates false.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


if input a and input b are both a value of zero the block evaluates false, otherwise it evaluates true.

  • Inputs:
    • a: Float
    • b: Float
    • true: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float

Math: Standard


Adds the left and right inputs of the same type together.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Divides the left input by the right input of the same type.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Outputs the largest value between the left and right inputs of the same type.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Outputs the smallest value between the left and right inputs of the same type.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Outputs the value of the left input modulo the right input

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Multiplies the left and right inputs of the same type together.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Multiplies the input by -1.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Subtracts each channel of the input value from 1 (1 - input).

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Quotient of 1 divided by the input.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Multiplies the input channels by a float factor.

  • Inputs:
    • Input: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • Factor: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Returns 1 if the input is positive, 0 if input is equal to 0, or -1 if the input is negative.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the the square root of the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Subtracts the right input from the left input of the same type.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.

Math: Scientific


Outputs the absolute value of the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the inverse of the cosine value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the inverse of the sine value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the inverse of the tangent value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the inverse of the tangent value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the cosine value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Converts the input degrees value to radians.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the input value multiplied by itself 9 time. (Exponent of 10)

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the input value multiplied by itself 1 time. (Exponent of 2)

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs only the fractional value of a floating point number.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


The logarithmic value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the input value multiplied by itself the number of times equal to the power input (Exponent of power)

  • Input:
    • value: Float
    • power: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Converts the input radians value to degrees.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs a sawtooth pattern value between -1 and 1 based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the the sine value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs a stepped pattern value between -1 and 1 based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the the tangent value based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs a sawtooth pattern value between 0 and 1 based on the input value.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float

Math: Vector


Outputs a vector that is perpendicular to two input vectors.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Output:
    • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.


FRAGMENT SHADER ONLY. Provides the rate of change for an input on a given axis (x,y).

  • Inputs:
    • input: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Output:
    • dx: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.
    • dy: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on left and right input types.


Provides a distance vector based on the left and right input vectors.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Outputs the cos of the angle between two vectors.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs the grazing angle of the surface of the mesh, relative to a camera influenced by the bias and power inputs.

  • Input:
    • worldNormal: Vector4
    • viewDirection: Vector3
    • bias: Float
    • power: Float
  • Output:
    • fresnel: Float


Outputs the length of an input vector.

  • Inputs:
    • left: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
    • right: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Outputs the direction of the input vector reflected across the surface normal.

  • Inputs:
    • incident: Vector3
    • normal: Vector3
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector3


Outputs a direction simulating a deflection of the input vector.

  • Inputs:
    • incident: Vector3
    • normal: Vector3
    • ior: Float
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector3


Rotates UV coordinates around the W axis.

  • Inputs:
    • input: Vector2
    • angle: Float
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2


Converts a world space position into the corresponding XY screen coordinates in a range of -1 to 1.

  • Inputs:
    • vector: Vector3, Vector4
    • worldViewProjection: Matrix
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2
    • X: Float
    • Y: Float


Transforms a input vector based on the input matrix.

  • Inputs:
    • vector: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4
    • transform: Matrix
  • Output:
    • output: Vector4


Twirls UV coordinates around the W axis

  • Inputs:
    • input: Vector2
    • strength: Float
    • center: Vector2
    • offset: Vector2
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2
    • X: Float
    • Y: Float



A 4x4 table of related values.

  • Output:
    • output: Matrix


Creates a custom matrix from four Vector4 inputs.

  • Inputs:
    • row0: Vector4
    • row1: Vector4
    • row2: Vector4
    • row3: Vector4
  • Outputs:
    • output: Matrix


A matrix to remap points in 3D space to 2D plane relative to the screen.

  • Output:
    • output: Matrix


A matrix to remap points in 3D space to 2D plane relative to the view of the scene camera.

  • Output:
    • output: Matrix


A matrix to remap points in 3D space to 2D view space before remapping to 2D screen space.

  • Output:
    • output: Matrix


A matrix to remap points in 3D local space to 3D world space.

  • Output:
    • output: Matrix


A matrix to remap points in 3D local space to 3D world space, and ending in 2D camera space.

  • Output:
    • output: Matrix


A matrix to remap points in 3D local space to 3D world space, then to 2D camera space, and ending in 2D screen space.

  • Output:
    • output: Matrix



Passthrough block mostly used to organize your graph.

  • Input: any type
  • Output: any type


Compute a depth value suitable for shadow map generation

  • Input:
    • worldPosition: Vector4
    • viewProjection: Matrix
    • worldNormal: Vector3 / Vector4
  • Output:
    • depth: Vector3



Outputs the RGBA color of each vertex in the mesh.

  • Output:
    • output: Color4


Returns 1 if a mesh triangle faces the normal direction and 0 if it does not.

  • Outputs:
    • output: Float


Convert a hight map into a normal map.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
    • worldPosition: Vector3
    • worldNormal: Vector3
    • worldTangent: Vector3 / Vector4
  • Output:
    • output: Vector4
    • xyz: Vector3


Outputs the RGBA color of each instance.

  • Output:
    • output: Color4


Provides the world matrix for each instance to apply this material to all instances.

  • Inputs:
    • world0: Vector4
    • world1: Vector4
    • world2: Vector4
    • world3: Vector4
    • world: worldMatrix
  • Output:
    • output: Matrix


A Vector4 representing the vertex to bone skinning assignments.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector4


A Vector4 representing the vertex to bone skinning weights.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector4


A Vector3 representing the normal of each vertex of the attached mesh.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector3


Outputs the result of blending two normal maps together using a per-channel screen.

  • Input:
    • normalMap0: Vector3
    • normalMap1: Vector3
  • Output:
    • output: Vector3


Creates high-frequency detail normal vectors based on a normal map, the world position, and world normal.

  • Input:
    • worldPosition: Vector4
    • worldNormal: Vector4
    • uv: Vector2
    • normalMap: Color3
    • strength: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Vector4


A Vector3 representing the position of each vertex of the attached mesh.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector3


A Vector3 representing the tangent of each vertex of the attached mesh.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector3


Creates a TBN matrix from normal, tangent and bitangent vectors.

  • Input:
    • normal: Vector3
    • tangent: Vector4
    • world: Matrix
  • Output:
    • TBN: the TBN matrix
    • row0: the first row (tangent) of the matrix
    • row1: the second row (bitangent) of the matrix
    • row2: the third row (normal) of the matrix


A Vector2 representing the UV coordinates of each vertex of the attached mesh.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector2


A Vector4 representing the normal of each vertex of the attached mesh transformed into world space.

  • Input:
    • vector: Vector3
    • transform: Matrix
  • Output:
    • output: Vector4


A Vector4 representing the position of each vertex of the attached mesh transformed into world space.

  • Input:
    • vector: Vector3
    • transform: Matrix
  • Output:
    • output: Vector4


A Vector4 representing the tangent of each vertex of the attached mesh transformed into world space.

  • Inputs:
    • vector: Vector3
    • transform: Matrix
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector4
    • xyz: Vector3



Creates a random pattern resembling clouds.

  • Inputs:
    • seed: Vector2 or Vector3
    • chaos: Normalized Vector3
    • offsetX: Float
    • offsetY: Float
    • offsetZ: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Provides a random number based on an input seed.

  • Inputs:
    • seed: Vector2
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Creates a type of gradient noise with few directional artifacts.

  • Inputs:
    • seed: Vector3
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Creates a random pattern of cells in 2D.

  • Inputs:
    • seed: Vector2
    • offset: Float
    • density: Float
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float
    • cells: Float


Creates a random pattern resembling cells.

  • Inputs:
    • seed: Vector3
    • jitter: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Vector2



A node that adds clip planes support.

  • Input:
    • worldPosition: Vector4


A final node that will not output a pixel below the cutoff value.

  • Inputs:
    • value: Float
    • cutoff: Float


A final node that sets the fragment depth.

  • Inputs:
    • depth: Float
    • worldPos: Vector4
    • viewProjection: Matrix


A mandatory final node for outputing the color of each pixel.

  • Inputs:
    • rgba: Vector4
    • rgb: Vector3
    • a: Float


A mandatory final node for outputing the position of each vertex.

  • Inputs:
    • vector: Vector4



The "blend/multiply" module of the particle shader

  • Inputs:
    • color: Color4
    • alphaTexture: Float
    • alphaColor: Float
  • Outputs:
    • blendColor: Color4


The color of the particle

  • Outputs:
    • output: Color4


The world position of the particle

  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector3


The "ramp gradient" module of the particle shader

  • Inputs:
    • color: Color4
  • Outputs:
    • rampColor: Color4


The texture of the particle

  • Inputs:
    • uv: Vector2
  • Outputs:
    • rgba: Color4
    • rgb: Color3
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float
    • a: Float


The textureMask property of the particle

  • Outputs:
    • output: Color4


the uv coordinates of the particle

  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2

PBR (since 4.2)


The anisotropy module of the PBR material

  • Inputs:

    • intensity: Float
    • direction: Vector2 - note that if you read the direction from a texture, you will probably want to apply the transformation texture.xy * 2 - 1 to get coordinates between -1 and 1!
    • uv: Vector2
    • worldTangent: Vector4
  • Outputs:

    • anisotropy: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block


The clear coat module of the PBR material

  • Inputs:
    • intensity: Float
    • roughness: Float
    • indexOfRefraction: Float
    • normalMapColor: Color3
    • uv: Vector2
    • tintColor: Color3
    • tintAtDistance: Float
    • tintThickness: Float
    • worldTangent: Vector4
  • Outputs:
    • clearcoat: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block


The iridescence module of the PBR material

  • Inputs:
    • intensity: Float
    • indexOfRefraction: Float
    • thickness: Float
  • Outputs:
    • iridescence: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block


The PBR material implementing the metallic/roughness model

  • Inputs:
    • worldPosition: Vector4
    • worldNormal: Vector4
    • view: Matrix
    • cameraPosition: Vector3
    • perturbedNormal: Vector4
    • baseColor: Color3
    • metallic: Float
    • roughness: Float
    • ambientOcc: Float
    • opacity: Float
    • indexOfRefraction: Float
    • ambientColor: Color3
    • reflection: output of the Reflection block
    • clearcoat: output of the ClearCoat block
    • iridescence: output of the Iridescence block
    • sheen: output of the Sheen block
    • subsurface: output of the SubSurface block
    • anisotropy: output of the Anisotropy block
  • Outputs:
    • ambientClr: Color3
    • diffuseDir: Color3
    • specularDir: Color3
    • clearcoatDir: Color3
    • sheenDir: Color3
    • diffuseInd: Color3
    • specularInd: Color3
    • clearcoatInd: Color3
    • sheenInd: Color3
    • refraction: Color3
    • lighting: Color3
    • shadow: Float
    • alpha: Float



The reflection module of the PBR material

  • Inputs:
    • position: Vector3
    • world: Matrix
    • color: Color3
  • Outputs:
    • reflection: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block


The refraction module of the PBR material (used by the SubSurface block)

  • Inputs:
    • intensity: Float
    • tintAtDistance: Float
  • Outputs:
    • refraction: can only be used as input of the SubSurface block


The sheen module of the PBR material

  • Inputs:
    • intensity: Float
    • color: Color3
    • roughness: Float
  • Outputs:
    • sheen: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block


The sub surface module of the PBR material

  • Inputs:
    • thickness: Float
    • tintColor: Color3
    • translucencyIntensity: Float
    • translucencyDiffusionDist: Color3
    • refraction: output of the Refraction block
  • Outputs:
    • subsurface: can only be used as input of the PBRMetallicRoughness block



The current screen (texture) used to render the post process

  • Inputs:
    • uv: Vector2
  • Outputs:
    • rgba: Color4
    • rgb: Color3
    • r: Float
    • g: Float
    • b: Float
    • a: Float


The 2D clip coordinates (values between -1 and 1 for both x and y)

  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2



Outputs values above the maximum or below minimum as maximum or minimum values respectively.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • input: Float


Remaps the length of a vector or color to 1.

  • Inputs:
    • input: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4.
  • Outputs:
    • output: Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, or Color4. Output varies based on input types.


Remaps input value between sourceMin and sourceMax to a new range between targetMin and targetMax.

  • Inputs:
    • input: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4.
    • sourceMin: Float
    • sourceMax: Float
    • targetMin: Float
    • targetMax: Float
  • Outputs:
    • output: Float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Color3, Color4. Output varies based on input type.



Outputs fractional values as the next higher whole number.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs fractional values as the next lower whole number.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float


Outputs fractional values rounded to the nearest whole number.

  • Input:
    • input: Float
  • Output:
    • output: Float

Scene Attributes


Outputs a Vector3 position of the active scene camera.

  • Output:
    • output: Vector3


Outputs a Vector4 containing parameters associated with the camera (x: -1 for webGL and 1 for webGPU, y: minZ, z: maxZ, w: 1 / maxZ).

  • Output:
    • output: Vector4


Applies fog to the scene with an increasing opacity based on distance from the camera.

  • Input:
    • worldPosition: Vector4
    • view: viewMatrix (Matrix)
    • input: Vector3
    • fogColor: Color3
  • Output:
    • output: Color3


The system value for fog color pulled from the scene.

  • Output:
    • output: Color3


Provides access to all of the Babylon image processing properties. Input is expected in Gamma color space. Post Processes

  • Input:
    • color: Color3 / Color4
  • Output:
    • output: Color4
    • rgb: Color3


Outputs diffuse and specular contributions from one or more scene lights.

  • Input:
    • worldPosition: Vector4
    • worldNormal: Vector4
    • cameraPosition: Vector3
    • glossiness: Float
    • glossPower: Float
    • diffuseColor: Color3
    • specularColor: Color3
  • Output:
    • diffuseOutput: Color3
    • specularOutput: Color3


Provides the direction, color and intensity of a selected light based on its world position.

  • Input:
    • worldPosition: Vector4
  • Output:
    • direction: Vector3
    • color: Color3
    • intensity: Float


The scene depth buffer.

  • Input:
    • uv: Vector2 / Vector3 / Vector4
  • Output:
    • depth: Float


Outputs the direction vector of where the camera is aimed.

  • Input:
    • worldPosition: Vector4
    • cameraPosition: Vector3
  • Output:
    • output: Vector3