
How do you achieve a good and appropriately realistic environment for your game or app? We will start off with simple scene clearColor (background color), then talk briefly about scene ambientColor, then on to 6-texture skyboxes, and then fog to give an illusion of depth to your scenes.


A picture showing Babylon.js fog in action

How can I do this?

We will talk about that nice fog effect, shortly. First, I want to introduce you to two interesting properties on the scene class object:

  • scene.clearColor - changes the 'background' color.
  • scene.ambientColor - changes the color used in several effects, including ambient lighting.

Both of them are very useful, and powerful in their own right.

Changing the Background color (scene.clearColor)

The 'clearColor' property on the scene object is the most rudimentary of environment properties/adjustments. Simply stated, this is how you change the background color of the scene. Here is how it is done:

scene.clearColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.5, 0.8, 0.5);

Or maybe you want to use one of our preset colors and avoid using the new keyword:

scene.clearColor = BABYLON.Color3.Blue();

This color and property is not used in any calculations for the final colors of mesh, materials, textures, or anything else. It is simply the background color of the scene. Easy.

Changing the Ambient color (scene.ambientColor)

Conversely, the ambientColor property on the scene object is a very powerful and influential environment property/adjustment. First, let's have a look at its syntax:

scene.ambientColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);

As you can see, it is set using the same format as clearColor, but ambientColor is used in quite a few calculations toward determining the final colors of scene items.  Mainly, it is used in conjunction with a mesh's StandardMaterial.ambientColor to determine a FINAL ambientColor for the mesh material.

You will find that when there is no scene.ambientColor, then StandardMaterial.ambientColor and StandardMaterial.ambientTexture will appear to do nothing.  Set a scene.ambientColor of some value, like the example above, and StandardMaterial.ambientColor/StandardMaterial.ambientTexture will become active on meshes where you have applied such.

By default, scene.ambientColor is set to Color3(0, 0, 0), which means there is no scene.ambientColor.

(Please see the section on ambientColors in our Unleash the Standard Material tutorial, for more information.)


To give a perfect illusion of a beautiful sunny sky, we are going to create a simple box, but with a special texture. There are two ways to create a skybox. Let's start with the manual one to understand how things work under the hood and then we will be able to use the automatic one.

Manual creation

First, our box, nothing new, just take notice of the disabled backface culling:

const skybox = BABYLON.MeshBuilder.CreateBox("skyBox", { size: 100.0 }, scene);
const skyboxMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("skyBox", scene);
skyboxMaterial.backFaceCulling = false;
skyboxMaterial.disableLighting = true;
skybox.material = skyboxMaterial;

Next, we set the infiniteDistance property. This makes the skybox follow our camera's position.

skybox.infiniteDistance = true;

Now we must remove all light reflections on our box (the sun doesn't reflect on the sky!):

skyboxMaterial.disableLighting = true;

Next, we apply our special sky texture to it. This texture must have been prepared to be a skybox, in a dedicated directory, named “skybox” in our example:

skyboxMaterial.reflectionTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("textures/skybox", scene);
skyboxMaterial.reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode = BABYLON.Texture.SKYBOX_MODE;

(More about reflectionTextures can be found in our Unleash the Standard Material tutorial.)

In that /skybox directory, we must find 6 sky textures, one for each face of our box. Each image must be named per the corresponding face: “skybox_nx.jpg” (left), “skybox_ny.jpg” (down), “skybox_nz.jpg” (back), “skybox_px.jpg” (right), “skybox_py.jpg” (up), “skybox_pz.jpg” (front). The "_nx.jpg" is added to your path.

Skybox textures need not be textures of sky alone. You can search the Internet for skyboxes and find buildings, hills, mountains, trees, lakes, planets, stars, you name it (all can be used nicely) as part of skybox textures, but some require a payment.

You can also use dds files to specify your skybox. These special files can contain all information required to setup a cube texture:

skyboxMaterial.reflectionTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("/assets/textures/SpecularHDR.dds", scene);

Final note, if you want your skybox to render behind everything else, set the skybox's renderingGroupId to 0, and every other renderable object's renderingGroupId greater than zero, for example:

skybox.renderingGroupId = 0;
// Some other mesh
myMesh.renderingGroupId = 1;

More info about rendering groups and rendering order can be found here.

Automatic creation

Now that we understand how a skybox can be created let's move to a simpler way:

envTexture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("/assets/textures/SpecularHDR.dds", scene);
scene.createDefaultSkybox(envTexture, true, 1000);
Playground Example Skybox Helper

Check out scene helpers for more information on this and other helpers.


Fog is quite an advanced effect, but fog in Babylon.js has been simplified to the maximum. It’s now very easy to add fog to your scenes.  First, we define the fog mode like this:

scene.fogMode = BABYLON.Scene.FOGMODE_EXP;

Here are the available modes:

  • BABYLON.Scene.FOGMODE_NONE - default one, fog is deactivated.
  • BABYLON.Scene.FOGMODE_EXP - the fog density is following an exponential function.
  • BABYLON.Scene.FOGMODE_EXP2 - same that above but faster.
  • BABYLON.Scene.FOGMODE_LINEAR - the fog density is following a linear function.

If you choose the EXP, or EXP2 mode, then you can define the density option (default is 0.1):

scene.fogDensity = 0.01;

Otherwise, if you choose LINEAR mode, then you can define where fog starts and where fog ends:

scene.fogStart = 20.0;
scene.fogEnd = 60.0;

Finally, whatever the mode, you can specify the color of the fog (default is BABYLON.Color3(0.2, 0.2, 0.3)):

scene.fogColor = new BABYLON.Color3(0.9, 0.9, 0.85);

See, we told you it was easy.

If you want to see and play with the playground scene for this tutorial, you can check it out here: Simple Fog Example