Minor Edits To The Documentation

This is the quickest way to correct spelling and grammar errors or to add sentences or a paragraph or two to clarify an explanation.

Requirements: you just need a Github account and a Fork of the Documentation repository.

At the bottom of each Documentation page you will see the Github icon:


Select this and it will take you to the correct Github page from where you select the edit button:

quick edit

You can now use markdown to edit the documentation page.

Once done, try to quickly explain what your modification is for, and click on the Propose file change button:

propose file change

For now, your modification isn't yet in the main files. You have to ask the Babylon.js core team to validate and merge your work.

Press the Create pull request button:

sending pull

If needed, modify your comment, and press again the Create pull request button:

commenting pull

Congratulations, your modifications are now waiting to be validated and merged into the official documentation!

pull now waiting

Do not hesitate to read the Good Practice section.

Further reading