Listening events


The Editor api provides some tools, as decorators, to help listening events globally and on nodes. In other words, for example on pointer events, the api can listen for events and pick the selected mesh in order to notify the decorated method(s).

For example, listening for pointer event pointer tap on the current mesh having this script attached:

import { Mesh } from "@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh";
import { Vector3 } from "@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.vector";
import { PointerEventTypes, PointerInfo } from "@babylonjs/core/Events/pointerEvents";
import { onPointerEvent } from "../decorators";
export default class MyMeshComponent extends Mesh {
private _physicsEnabled: boolean = true;
@onPointerEvent(PointerEventTypes.POINTERTAP, true)
protected _tapped(info: PointerInfo): void {
if (!this._physicsEnabled) {
const force = this.getDirection(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
this.applyImpulse(force, this.getAbsolutePosition());

Available Decorators

On Pointer Event

To listen pointer events, the decorator @onPointerEvent can be used to decorate methods to call. This decorator takes 2 arguments:

  • the pointer event type (PointerEventTypes from @babylonjs/core/Events/pointerEvents).
  • a boolean to indicate whether or not the method should be called only when, in case of a mesh, the mesh is picked.

The second boolean parameter is set to true by default. That means it must be set to false in order to listen the pointer event globally.

@onPointerEvent(PointerEventTypes.POINTERTAP, false)
protected _tapped(info: PointerInfo): void {
// Called on the user clicks anywhere on the canvas.
@onPointerEvent(PointerEventTypes.POINTERTAP, true)
protected _tapped(info: PointerInfo): void {
// Called on the user clicks on the mesh.

The method signature can define the PointerInfo reference which contains all the pointer event info such as we get using scene.onPointerObservable.add((info) => { ... }).

Note: the method will be called only and only if the scene containing the mesh is instantiated in the game/application

On Keyboard Event

As for @onPointerEvent decorator, the @onKeyboardEvent decorator can be used to decorate methods in a script. This decorator takes 2 arguments:

  • the key of keys to listen (as numbers or strings).
  • the type of keyboard event to listen (key up or key down).

Note: keyboard events are always listened globally

Example listening for the z key being up:

@onKeyboardEvent("z", KeyboardEventTypes.KEYUP)
protected _keyup(info: KeyboardInfo): void {

Multiple keys can be listened at the same time where the decorated method will be called when any of the specified keys is triggered:

@onKeyboardEvent(["z", "q", "s", "d"], KeyboardEventTypes.KEYUP)
protected _keyup(info: KeyboardInfo): void {

Using key codes instead of key values is deprecated but is still supported.

@onKeyboardEvent(32 /* or [32, 53] for multiple keys */, KeyboardEventTypes.KEYUP)
protected _keyup(info: KeyboardInfo): void {