Exposing properties


Script properties can be exposed and modified in the Editor. Using @visibleInInspector decorator, these properties to expose can be customized and grouped in the Inspector.

Suported property types are:

  • number
  • string
  • boolean
  • Vector2
  • Vector3
  • Vector4
  • Color3
  • Color4
  • Texture
  • KeyMap

Notes: the KeyMap type draws a button in the inspector waiting for the user to press a key in the keyboard

Common configuration for exposed properties are its type, its name and its default value. Example with a decorated property named Speed or type number and with default value 0.04:

@visibleInInspector("number", "Speed", 0.04)
private _speed: number;

The goal of these exposed properties is mainly to have one script attached to multiple nodes, where each node can have its own script configuration. For example, using the Speed property, two nodes can have the same script attached but will not rotate at the same speed.

Importing decorators

Decorators are available in the decorators.ts file located at src/scenes/. Any attached script can import this file and use the @visibleInInspector decorator. Scripts that are not attached to any node can't be customized in the editor.

import { visibleInInspector } from "../decorators";

Understanding decorator options

As well as type, name and default value, the decorator has an options parameter used to customize the property in the Editor. All fields are optional:

  • min: defines the minimum value that can be set in the Editor field. Available only for numbers and vectors.
  • max: defines the maximum value that can be set in the Editor field. Available only for numbers and vectors.
  • step: defines the step to applied on the property when the user modifies the property in the Editor using the mouse.

Note: If both min and max options are provided, the number field becomes a slider.

In this example, 3 properties will be visible in the inspector having distinct options.

@visibleInInspector("number", "Speed", 0.04, { min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 })
private _speed: number = 0.04;
@visibleInInspector("number", "Speed 2", 0.04, { min: 0, step: 0.01 })
private _speed2: number = 0.04;
@visibleInInspector("Vector3", "Gravity", Vector3.Zero(), { min: 0 })
private _gravity2: Vector3 = Vector3.Zero();

Once script is saved and attached to at least one node, the inspector will shows the exposed properties according to their properties and options. If the inspector is already focused on a node having the edited script attached to it, the inspector will be automatically updated.


As a full example, a script that uses the Speed decorated property to apply a rotation on a mesh.

import { Mesh } from "@babylonjs/core/Meshes/mesh";
import { visibleInInspector } from "../decorators";
export default class MyMeshComponent extends Mesh {
@visibleInInspector("number", "Speed", 0.04, { min: 0, max: 1, step: 0.01 })
private _speed: number = 1;
* Called each frame.
public onUpdate(): void {
this.rotation.y += 0.04 * this._speed;